
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.

Jonathan Swift

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010


words to mend your heart.

Never had the right answers.

Funny game
who's had more pain?
Fairy Tale for the...

Resistance was fun for a while.

So easy to explain the gifts away.

There is no forget.

Valley Summer

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Myriad Rainbows

Lucid moments



Myriad rainbows

Circle around my feet

Killer beats transform boredom

To thought

Killing Fields

Outside my front door

Somebody's Knocking

And you let them in



Resolve …

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Seedy Reedy!
Two Sides of the same face. Picture 1) Seedy Reedy, Picture 2) Sean

Since I switched over to Mac (2 years ago) I have been really into using Photo Booth, its been good for me to explore whatever world I am actively using my computer in and whatever experiment I have going with my hair.

Two sides of the same face was inspired by some of the horrible pictures that have been posted of me on Face book, on one hand I am happy that the person bothered and felt to include me on their page but on the other hand "I am like crap I look like real crap in that picture" so I put it to you readers of Jonnny Red and The Avengers is it bad form to "un" tag a picture of yourself, should I write a note to the person first, just suck it up and move on, what? Help?

And yes I know relax and take a better picture next time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost in the Land of Malls...

Can Atari get a witness
A shout out for Commodore 64
Video Arcades
Galaga in Times Square
Star Wars action figures
Izod shirts collar's turned up
Grey Flannel was a cool cologne
Waste another afternoon walking to the mall
Maybe when I was playing video games I should been watching the "View"
Thank God there was only Donahue, go on you white haired pimp
Throw down some of that voodoo self help bullshit philosophy
And than bag "That Girl"
It meant so much in our lovely geeky isolation
High score was the goal
And Jolt Cola was the fuel…

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Process Unnerving

Bound by the obvious
Slave to the material
The machine grinds forever on its own parts

The hunger
Eats itself before it even conceives of a true existence
Matched only by a blind
unwavering mission
To destroy

And so the consumer

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Burdened Soldiers march in Blind Order

Semi Circles Burn the Public Psyche

Pre Prepubescent Slackers plan our Next Depression

Desperate Execs. Sing
The Cooperate Song
The Loss of their Eternal Souls

Faces Melt under the Surgeons Knife
Shadows of Themselves

Monologues run
Out of Control

Cynics Suddenly Attack the Exhibitionists
A World Wide Crisis…